Autor: sfrom

There is no fixed forex forum for the Forex (the foreign exchange) but before you get started trading on the Forex you should try to find a trusted forex trading forum that includes a number of online traders who can share successful trading strategies with you.

Getting into Forex trading without forex forum tips can be a rocky road. We have gone out to various forums and written down some starter tips for you. Here are three strategies on Forex trading that are recommended by a forex forum online trader and which you should address:

First forex forum tip: know your forex trading market

Educate yourself about the currencies that you trade. The more you know about the country whose currency you're trading in the Forex market, the more accurately you'll be able to predict which way the money will move.

Second forex forum tip: pick a Forex trading system - and stick with it.

Savvy Forex traders will tell you that system is everything. Forex trading by system lets you automate your trades based on history, following the traditional peaks and valleys. Set up a system and live with it to make the most of your Forex trading.

Third forex forum online tip: practice makes perfect - but it's not the real world.

Practice Forex trading accounts are great for learning how a particular trading account works - but they're not the real world. Many experienced traders recommend starting off with a mini forex account to minimize your losses while you get acclimated.

The forex forum is meant to be the place where traders from around the globe can relay information and ideas. Their purpose is to generate trading strategies.

Here are some other things you should know about most forex forums:

  • To protect the privacy of participants on a forex forum, posting email addresses is usually not permitted.
  • There is usually an intermediary company that passes messages between contributors.
  • Profanity or disruptive behavior on the forums is also not permitted.
  • Personal attacks on individual participants are not permitted.
  • Readers of a forex forum are encouraged to respect the ideas of those who have been kind enough to contribute to the forum and treat one another with civility and respect.
  • Also when posting a message, you need to include your location (initials are optional) and usually only one identity is permitted per forum.

So before you start forex trading, go out and find a good forex forum. The strategies you could learn and the relationships you could develop, could be worth their weight in gold.

Source: Free Articles

Autor: fsegura

To trade on the forex market, the largest financial market on the planet, one must use a forex broker. Not unlike a stock broker, a forex broker can also makes suggestions about which moves to make when exchanging foreign currency. Some forex brokers even supply technical analysis to some of their clients and offer tips on research to improve their success as forex traders.

Typically in the forex market a forex broker is a banking institution who may buy up large amounts of a certain currency. For years, banks were the only ones who had access to the forex markets. But today with the Internet, any forex trader, who subscribes with a forex broker, can access the market 24 hours a day.

Today, as with stock brokers, the brick and mortar institutions, such as banks, are less of an option for the individual forex trader who works from home, monitoring the news and gaining insight into certain technical information to help with his or her trading decisions.

Choosing a forex broker may depend on your needs. If you are new to the field, there are houses, or online forex brokers who may cater to your needs, providing in-depth research, ample time to demo their product and so on. Other forex brokers are geared toward the experienced online forex trader. They too offer advice, but may be less likely to offer instructional help with the information, assuming that you may already know how it may or may not benefit you when you read it. It is advisable to read about and even run a demo on several different online forex brokers before going with one.

Source: Free Articles

Autor: fsegura

For those of you who are interested in forex trading, you may want to start off by getting some good forex training. Forex training is a necessity for anyone with this interest. This is because a lot of money is involved in forex trading. If you don't get some forex training, you are bound to lose a lot of money.

Some of you may not even know what forex trading is. If you don't know this, you defiantly need some forex training. Forex stands for foreign exchage . Forex trading is basically the exchange of one countries currency for another countries currency. This is done simultaneously in hopes of gaining a profit.

You can get forex training from several different places. The first place you should get forex training from is online. There are many websites that offer free forex training. The forex training these websites offer is both reliable and accurate. The forex training on these websites often offers a free demo account to teach you how to trade without actually using any real money.

A second place to get Forex training is at your local college campus. Forex training courses at college are usually inexpensive and very thorough. The forex training courses offered should also include hands on experience with trading, to help you get the edge. You can also get some books on forex training or research forex training at your local library. The best place to get forex training is from someone who is already involved in forex trading. The forex training these individuals provide will be more realistic for you and give you different aspects of the forex trading game.

The forex training you get should first start with learning how the foreign trade market works. The trade market is always changing, so you need to understand it first. The second part of your forex training should be about risk control. You never want to invest more than you can afford. The right forex training should teach you how to cut your losses and have less risks of failure. Next, your forex training should teach you how to open and manage a forex trading account. But this should be done with a demo account. All forex training should be done this way first, before you try the real thing.

With all of this in mind, you should be able to find some good forex training. Learn the ropes of forex trading and take the time to learn it well. Be sure to try a demo forex trading account before you start a real account. With the right forex training, you will soon be on your way to a profitable way to supplement your income.

Source: Free Articles

Autor: Majones

Professional traders are full of tips and guidelines that can greatly increase profitability during your online trading Forex sessions. Here are 3 advice notes I've picked up which greatly reduce the number of my losing trades and increase the number and size of profitable trades:

Mistake #1

Setting the stop at round numbers.

Solution: When setting your stop, avoid numbers that end in zero.

This is not due to superstition! It's just that round numbers, especially with certain currency pairs like EUR/USD and GBP/USD, represent key psychological levels in the minds of trader and institutions.

Price will often pull back to a number that ends in zero and go no further. If your stop is set at that level you run the risk of getting stopped out of your trade only to see price resume the direction you had anticipated anyway. How frustrating!

So always make sure your stop is set at a number other than one that ends in a zero, and reduce the number of times you get taken out.

Mistake #2

Setting stops according to a pre-determined amount.

Solution: Calculate your stop according to strategic levels, not an arbitrary amount.

Many traders set stops somewhere between 20-30 pips as that is about as much as their equity will allow.

Some new traders tend to do simple arithmetic to establish their stop level: entry price plus/minus 25 pips.

However, it makes much more sense to look at a previous support/resistance level, trendline, or yesterday's high or low, and see if a 20-30 pip stop puts you near one of those levels.

If it does, then calculate more precisely. It makes no sense to set a 20 pip stop if a major support/resistance line is 25 pips away from your entry level. Price is likely to go right back to that level to test it, and stop out your trade, before bouncing.

Keep your eyes open for such key levels and set well-thought out stops which help you avoid getting taken out unnecessarily on trades where your appraisal of price direction was right all along.

Mistake #3

Setting target limits right on key levels.

Solution: Trim your target by 2 or 3 pips.

Equally frustrating is to see price ALMOST reach your target, fall short by just 2 or 3 pips, and then within seconds retrace by 10 to 15 pips.

One moment you see a nice profit of 25 pips on your trading platform, the next moment it is showing 15. Now you are left in a quandary. Anxiety sets in as you wonder whether price will go back to retest the previous level. Do you stay in and hope or just take the 10 or 15 pips left on the table?

How much better to just trim 2 or 3 pips off your target. Price then has a much higher chance of getting there.

What a nice feeling to see price spike to your target limit, take out your trade with a 20-30 pip profit, and then pull back. No anxiety, no recriminations, no "if only I had . . ." scenarios.

Noting these 3 mistakes and their solutions will make your online trading Forex sessions much less exhausting mentally, and much more profitable.

Source: Free Articles

By: Nick Schultz

No matter what the business we are planning on doing, each of us has our own approach to the whole process. This could be because of our past experience or because we are just natural born risk takers who don't mind trying out new strategies to see if they will yield high profits. There are people who follow this tactic when it comes to their investments as well, and for some it works while for others a strict formulated methodology is the way to move forward. While being involved in Forex style trading one must understand their unique style and see which route works best for them. Do they like to sit and wait watching the market and observing the trends before making a plunge or are they kind the directly go ahead make an investment and then watch it either go upwards or dip downwards.

There are some traders who are very cautious and will make their investment when the exchange currencies are at a high and will pull out the minute it looks like it might get lower. The other kinds of "stalkers" are the non-adventurous group of people who will wait for the right moment and invest only when they are absolutely sure that the prices will increase. They will monitor every aspect of the Forex trade from the economic, to political scenario in the country. At times they do tend to get obsessed and will almost wait forever by which time the market would have begun a slump and they might have lost their chance. But most of the times, they end up reaping the profits thanks to their patience and analysis. These are the kind of people who spend a lot of time reading and researching about the various markets and the major players in the same.

There are foragers, who are interested in making some fast money in the shortest time frame possible. They are also heavy risk takers who believe only when one takes the chance will they be rewarded. They speculate and predict the rates hours before the market even opens for operation and make the investment once it does. Since the results are known in a matter of minutes, they will know right away if they have made the right choice or not. They also make quick stops of investing and pulling out the money put in, thereby not letting any change affect their money. Since most of the investors in the Forex style trading are looking at being around for a long duration, they will rely on the reports and charts to take their decision. Going by a country's political scenario, and the technical analysis that has been carried out, one can predict the expected rates that the foreign currency is expected to go upto. Or if it is bound to dip, they will have a vague idea of that too making them safe players in the game. One must also not rely heavily on the technical or fundamental analysis results.

Nick Schultz is a Forex Trading expert who recently developed an eCourse that details a step by step process for success Forex investing. If you are interested in learning more about his "9 Steps to Better Forex Investing" eCourse and learning how to make greater profits from your Forex Trading, please go here right now! :

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United States - (Recasts, updates prices, adds comment).

* Dollar snaps a two-day advance

* ECB's Stark reins in extent of ECB rate hike expectations

* Euro declines short lived as investors debate ECB outlook

NEW YORK, (Reuters) - The dollar fell against the euro Wednesday, snapping its best two-day advance against the single euro zone currency since 2005, with investors debating the relative outlook for interest rates in the United States and Europe given the rhetoric of central bank officials in recent days.

Investors expect a euro-zone rate hike as soon as July based on comments from European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet last week.

Central bank officials in the past few weeks have cranked up their discussion of rate outlooks, with the Fed also saying it will fight inflation pressures even amid concerns about slowing economic growth.

Analysts say the combination of surging prices and struggling economies is making it difficult for markets to gauge the outlook for interest rates and trading could be volatile based on officials' comments in the near term.

The euro did touch a session low against the dollar after European Central Bank board member Jeurgen Stark was reported as saying the central bank is not considering a series of rate rises. .

The euro then recovered as buyers debated Stark's comments against those made by other ECB officials in recent days.

"Looking in to the remarks, Stark went on to say that the markets understood the ECB's signal for July, which suggests that July will see a rate hike, but it may be the only one in the current cycle," said Ron Simpson, director of currency research at Action Economics in Tampa, Florida.

The euro traded near session highs, up 0.8 percent, at $1.5582 midway through the New York session, well off the session low of $1.5454 after Stark told Bloomberg News that the ECB will do everything necessary to anchor inflation expectations.

Trading was volatile ahead of the Wednesday release of the Fed's Beige Book of regional economic conditions which may indicate the Fed's ability to raise rates is limited in the event of a prolonged U.S. economic slowdown.

"It may temper expectations (for a rate hike) as the market digests the entire U.S. economic situation," said Omer Esiner, senior market analyst at Ruesch International in Washington.

Declines in the U.S. stock market also weighed on the dollar.


Stark's comments came after ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet surprised markets last week when he signaled that a rate increase could come as soon as next month to limit the inflationary impact on the economy from soaring oil prices.

Traders took Stark's comments to be softer in tone than those of Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher, who on Tuesday said the U.S central bank would not allow inflation expectations to rise unchecked, echoing comments made by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke a day earlier. .

Such hawkishness pushed the dollar up to 107.75 yen , based on Reuters data in early trading in the global session, its highest level since late February, before it retreated to 106.60, near the session low.

The dollar gave back gains as investors debated whether the 2.4 percent gain in the dollar against the yen in the previous two sessions was too far, too fast.

Supporting the dollar, Bernanke had said the risk the U.S. economy has entered a substantial downturn has diminished over the past month. This sparked the interest rate futures market to price in as much as 75 basis points of rate hikes by the end of the year .

Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Donald Kohn said on Wednesday that a steady rise in energy prices has fueled an inflationary psychology in the United States and could be a problem if it does not reverse.

Some analysts said they were surprised by the slew of comments from financial officials in the run-up to the Group of Eight finance ministers meeting later in the week, adding they would be watching to see if currencies will be discussed at the gathering.

Japan's Ministry of Finance said currencies may make it on to the agenda when the nation hosts the meeting later this week, while adding the issue was unlikely to be included in the final communique (Reporting by Nick Olivari. Editing by Richard Satran)

Copyright 2008 Reuters.

Forex is the best money making opportunity in the world of trading. It is a business that needs no employees to hire or products to stock. Forex opportunity has the most powerful potential of earning huge prodit in less time.

Forex trading is unequaled by any other trading market in the world with a trade volume of about $1.9 trillion dollars daily. For exploiting the potential of the forex opportunity, you would require to first spend a couple of months investigating how the forex works.

The introduction of online forex opportunities, however, has made the process quite simple and user friendly. Small investor and forex dummies can now take the advantage of the global forex opportunity market in a hassle-free manner.

The forex opportunity can also be considered as the lifetime skill to earn a living from your home on your computer or anywhere you have a computer and the Internet connection.

On the Internet you will find forex trading training for both beginners and advanced traders. With so many companies offering their services for forex trading, finding an exciting and promising forex opportunity seems like nearly impossible these days. When searching for the right kind of forex opportunity, there are few things you should consider:

  • An ideal forex opportunity should not involve any fees unless you make profit by actual trading
  • The forex opportunity should have a better-managed forex accounts ranking than others.
  • The forex opportunity must allow you to take a look at individual managed accounts so that you get an idea of how it operates.
  • The forex opportunity should be supported with efficient customer service. The company should be one with a high success record and will take the time to help you.
  • The forex opportunity company should effectively plan your financial future so that you gain from your trading.

The Forex opportunity provider should send you advice based on technical analysis and not on rumors, trends or guesswork. Before choosing the forex opportunity, you must find out if the company is affiliated to regulatory bodies like CFTC or NFA.

The Forex opportunity company must have an accomplished professional who can help you to avoid the downfalls and negative side of trading that others have already experienced and suffered. The Forex opportunity should also provide advanced live online Internet trading with fast and efficient software, real-time forex trade execution, and 24 hour trading in all major currencies and cross rates.

The ideal forex opportunity company must present the ‘live market’ experience with hands-on Forex learning approach. It must offer online demos which works better than any rudimentary information gained from books and lectures.


By: Justin Stewart

It's a known fact that the individual investor or trader achieves greater leverage in the Forex market versus other trading venues. An example has been made of choosing between investing in shares of a stock or in the Forex futures to illustrate how leverage works. You could invest $1,000 in only 10 shares of a particular stock, or you could take that same $1,000 and invest it in five different futures contracts of 100 shares each, therefore enabling you to be controlling 500 shares overall compared to only with stocks. This example is a moot point about which one to invest in, so why ask?

Excessive leverage can only result in two outcomes for the investor --- excessive gain or excessive loss. Excessive leverage can enlarge your losses in as a great a magnitude as the way in which it can enlarge those profits, so the investor needs to be very careful in any endeavors where leverage gets too high. Just remember, the greater the leverage that you apply with a capital investment, the greater the risk you take of losing it.

Risk is not always associated with leverage that is margin-based, but it will influence it if the investor does not take some precautions. Here's an example using the following chart to illustrate a key point.

Trader A Trader B
Trading Capital $10,000 $10,000
Real Leverage Used 50 times 5 times
Total Value of Transaction $500,000 $50,000
In the Case of a 100-Pip Loss -$4,150 -$415
% Loss of Trading Capital 41.5% 4.15%
% of Trading Capital Remaining 58.5% 95.8%

Figure 1: All figures in U.S. dollars

Both Trader A and B have $10,000 and execute a broker trade requiring a that they deposit 1%. After looking at the USD/JPY they both figure that it will top at around 120 and then start to decrease in value, so they short it at a price of 120. Trader A then applies a leverage factor of 50:1 (equating to $500,000 on his $10,000 investment), Because the USD/JPY settles at 120, one pip (point) for a standard lot equals approximately $8.30 USD, so the pip for five of these lots would be $41.50 USD. To further the point, let's say that the USD/JPY hits 121. Trader A has just lost 100 pips on the trade which means that he is out $4,150 USD.

On the other hand, Trader B opts to be more cautious and applies only a 5:1 leverage factor to his trade. Even though the USD/JPY hits 121, and Trader B loses 100 pips just like Trader A did, he has only lost $415 or 10% of what Trader A encountered in the loss. Does that illustrate the point about being careful with applying leverage?

The bottom line is that excessive leverage can kill your gains very quickly. So if you apply a smaller leverage factor, you will be able to give your trades more breathing room, so to speak, by employing a wider stop range. This in turn will result in avoiding in the risk of using (and losing) too much of your capital investment.

Article Source:

Justin Stewart has used software to automatically trade the forex market allowing him to earn a living without lifting a finger, even while he sleeps. You can use the same forex software to get the same results.

By Mitt Berlin

There is a whole world - literally -- of investment opportunity awaiting you, and you can tap into the world of Forex trading to make money and change your life right now. Open to anyone willing to put forth a bit of effort, Forex offers the chance to make money right from the comfort of your own home as you sit in front of your keyboard and trade Yens for Euros or US dollars for Yens.

Yes, that is what Forex is; it is a world of investment traders and brokers who buy and sell (exchange) foreign currency based on what they deem to be wise trends in currency value fluctuation.

Because Forex is available to anyone with Internet access, you too can cash in on the opportunity to make money on Forex right now. So, how do you go about making a good living and possibly saying goodbye to that long commute to work every morning? Well, join the millions of other traders on Forex by first taking a short amount of time to learn about the market. There are software programs you can buy that teach you about Forex, and there are lots of brokers who offer free software tools to those who trade with them. Open an account and use the software to learn.

Then, use that account and what you have learned to begin trading one currency for another. Be sure to execute a plan that works and not just buy and sell willy-nilly. Be diligent about following the structure you have decided works and begin to make money on Forex now.

Make a Killing Trading Forex! Forex Killer is the place to visit.

See what a Forex Trading Robot can do for you! Forex Robot is a must.

By Paul Bryan

Forex position trading strategy is a simple technique to increase your position size without increasing your risk. This trading strategy is particularly effective with mini lots and with averaging into a position also it works equally efficiently for standard lots.

For example you may buy one mini-lot of EUR/USD at 1.3100 and set the stop loss at 1.2980. It pose a risk of $20. When the price rises, you may buy a second mini-lot at say, 1.3120 and set the stop at 1.3100 with raising the stop of the first lot to 1.3100. Now you have two lots with overall risk still at $20.

If you find the price to be still rising, you buy a third lot at 1.3140 and set the stop at 1.3120 along with rising the stop of the first two lots also to 1.3120. This would ensure that even in the worst case the whole trade is at break even. Now, with further price rise, you buy a fourth lot at say 1.3160 setting the stop at 1.3140.

Accordingly, you raise the stop on the first three lots at 1.3140, which will protect your profit. Finally, you buy the fifth lot, set the stops as before and ensure a profit of $100. Throughout the process your risks remain at a constant of $20. So in this forex position trading strategy, you limit your risk exposure and at the same time gain handsome profits.

You can use a similar forex position trading method to average your trades. Weekly 3-bar pattern is a strategy which is ideal for forex position trading and which is very effective on longer time frames like the daily or the weekly chart. This forex position trading strategy lets you stay with the trend for a longer period of time.

Ideally, any day trading should be done with minimum lot size position. With forex position trading strategy, the initial profit is less but with trailing stop it can maximize the profit. A good position of day trading can be changed with forex position trading into a long-term profit option.

With forex position trading your exposure to the market is less and therefore no need to monitor the market continuously. The hedging order protects the position and limits your risk in the trading. With forex position trading, you can earn profit with minimal loss that boosts your trading confidence.

You can find many trusted money management software to calculate tradable profit/loss patterns along with optimizing trade sizes for supporting your forex position trading strategy. These software are designed to calculate trade position sizes according to various money management models with several successful positions sizing formula.

The forex position trading strategy may use formulas based on fixed percent risk, float percent units, fixed units, etc. The software are easy to use and help in calculating the most optimal position size for forex position trading strategy. You may also have many online position sizing techniques and position size calculators, which can supplement your forex trading strategy.

To learn more about currency trading techniques visit Forex Position Trading

for more related information,support and signal solutions please go to http;//

So you decided to make full time leaving from foreign exchange market? Or you are going to supplement your income from here? You have set up yourself with proper broker available. I believe you spent hundred of hours in front of PC trying to put together all maths and physics involving currency market. Now you watching business news in the morning paper and following CNBC channel to be on the top with latest information from exchange market. You trading your demo account trying to figure out how to make it all work? So? Does it? No?
Face the fact that in currency market all is possible and there is no golden rule to follow. There are so many aspects to consider that you will need at least another head to set this puzzle together.
But do not worry there is a hope that can make it work.
Signal solutions for forex trading. People who traded forex for a long time and developed their own systems to enter and exit with profit strategies. They will share this knowledge with you for varieties of prices from usd49 to usd499 a month for those precious information. Problem is which one will suit you best. Are they scams? How do I know?
For medium advanced forex trader is almost impossible to choose proper forex signal system, which is not a scam, or at least not profitable. There is bulk of forex signals providers out there. They all offer their signal solution to trade currency with success.
Advice is that you will have to establish what type of trader are you? Do you want to trade quickly or maybe over the days or weeks? What losses can you manage and how much money you want to invest.
As long as you know al that it is a time to pick up signal trade provider.
Few things worth researching are: performance, service offered and rewievs of the signal. Search on forum for another users of the product you are interested in and ask for comment. Every profitable system should be up on collective2 with real track performance. Look for service offered. You will quickly find out that only few offer free trail-option to try signals before you pay. Demand performance evidence.
But while doing all that hard work choosing your automat forex signal system remember that you will have to totally follow it without exceptions to make most out of it. Any even small innovation may have dramatic results in your own gains.
Remember that your future profits will depend on your signal provider so calculate carefully and make smart decisions.