By Gary Burton - Forex Analyst

The Directional Movement Index, or DMI, is a Forex trading system, where you can determine a Forex trading trend presence in the market.

It consists of three lines:

  • The Average Directional Movement Index (ADX). This moves between 0 and 100 value.
  • The Positive Directional Index(+DI).
  • The Negative Directional Index(-DI).

+DI is used to measure uptrends, and the -DI measures Downtrends in the currency trading chart.

A high ADX indicates that there is a strong trend in the market, while a low ADX shows a slighter trend. An ADX above 25 indicates a non trending market while an ADX above 40 indicates the trend is strengthening.

When the DI lines cross each other, then a buy or sell order is generated. If the +DI crosses above the -DI line, then a buy signal is generated. On the other hand, the buy signal is generated if the +DI crosses below the -DI line.

We have seen that the DMI has a lot of uses for Forex trading, and alerts traders on upcoming and current Forex trading trends. Another use for the Directional Movement Index is to know when to buy and sell the Forex trading currency, through the intersection between both DIs. This is a powerful technical analysis tool that can really help you with your trade.

Gary Burton - Forex Analyst

By Sam Davis - Executive Editor

The Forex trading stochastic indicator is an indicator that follows the momentum of the market. The stochastic indicator is based on a simple idea. During an uptrend, closing price tend to be high, while during downtrends prices close low.

The Forex trading stochastic indicator warns about the presumed future direction of the Forex trading currency price, based on the assumption the when the currency price rises is closes near the high and when it drops it closes near lows. This way the stochastic oscillator helps analyze a certain trading pattern, whether it is an uptrend or a downtrend.

Using stochastic indicators does not require advanced calculations in most Forex trading sites, since these are included and are done automatically in the Forex Trading Software Online. The current closing price for the stochastic indicator is shown in relation the previous prices over a period of time.

This indicator has two lines:

  • %K compares the current Forex trading closing price to the previous trading range.
  • %D is a smoothing of %K that is seen as a signal line.

When the stochastic line is above 80%, an overbought signal is given, and when it drops below 20%, the oversold signal is given. This explanation tells you when to buy and sell using Forex trading stochastic indicator:

  • Buy when the indicator falls below the line, and when it crosses the bottom level up.
  • Sell when the indicator rises above the line, and crosses the top level downwards.
  • Buy when the %K line crosses the %D line from below upwards, or from top downwards.

Basically, the Forex trading stochastic indicator currency's closing price to its price range over a given time period. The sensitivity of the indicator can be lowered by adjusting the time period or by using a moving average of the result.

Sam Davis - Executive Editor

By Gary Burton - Forex Analyst

The Forex trading Exponential Moving Average was developed because the simple and weighted moving average indicators failed to predict buy and sell signals properly. By assigning more weight to the most recent price data, the prediction of currency price is made more accurate, and this is the basis of exponential moving average (EMA).

To calculate a regular weighted moving average, a 10 day MA for example, you would take the closing price for the 10th day and multiply it by 10, the 9th day price multiplied by 9, and so on till the 1st day price. This total would be divided by the sum of multipliers - meaning for 10 days - 55. The EMA has helped make Forex trading technical analysis more accurate and flexible.

The exponential moving average is similar, only it is not linear, and it is adjustable by the trader, so he can give more or less weight to the recent prices.

One possibility for learning about the EMA more profoundly is using a forex trading system course, even though most traders usually get the basic idea of the indicators in pages like these, and then learn everything else while trading in demo accounts.

Gary Burton - Forex Analyst

By: Trudy Bates - Market Expert

Forex trading Moving average convergence divergence (MACD), is one of the most popular technical analysis indicators available for traders.

One of the biggest advantages of this indicator is that it can be used either as a trend or as a momentum indicator. The MACD calculates the difference between the 26th day and the 12th day exponential moving average indicator(EMA). The 12-day EMA is the faster indicator and the 26-day is the slower one. These measures use the closing prices of the period that is measured.

The 9th day EMA is also used for MACD, in order to calculate triggers for buy and sell orders. One of the reasons for EMA's popularity is its wide use in global forex trading, relative to its ease and friendliness of use.

  • A bullish signal is generated when the MACD gets above the 9th day EMA.
  • The MACD sends a sell sign when it moves below its 9-day EMA.

The MACD histogram

The MACD histogram is the representation of the difference between MACD and the 9-day EMA. The histogram is positive when MACD is above its 9-day EMA and negative when MACD is below its 9-day EMA. For rising speed of prices the MACD histogram grows larger. The histogram contracts, on the other hand, for price speed decrease.

Traders use the MACD to evaluate the momentum and the strength of a trend, rather that for estimating trend direction, because it measures price movement speed.

Trading divergence

Sometimes the prices will make a new swing high or swing low, while the MACD will not. This is called a Forex trading divergence. This indicator is not accurate, and should not be relied upon.

Trudy Bates - Market Expert

The Forex trading RSI is an oscillator that measures the strength of a currency trend, and ranges between 0 and 100. If you're keen to learn forex trading, the RSI is one of the key indicators you should learn, as it enables you to recognize a Forex trading market situation. The relative strength indicator (RSI) is a measure for whether a currency is overbought or oversold.

  • Overbought Forex trading occurs if the currency is in an uptrend pattern, because many traders buy the currency in an expectancy for it to keep rising. Over time traders cease to buy the currency, and the rise slows until the trend changes.
  • Oversold Forex trading happens when the currency price is in a downtrend. Here too the traders stop selling over time, and a short position is created, finally changing the trend direction.

The RSI is an index of price fluctuations over a certain period, and is seen as a percentage.

RSI=sum of price rises/ sum of all price fluctuations

Forex trading RSI rates consist of:

  • Neutral market- RSI Between 30%-70%.
  • Oversold market- RSI under 25%.
  • Overbought market - RSI over 75%.

An RSI should not be used alone, but in addition to other Forex trading technical analysis indicators. The longer the period of time that is used for the RSI, the less fluctuations it is expected to show.

Gary Burton - Forex Analyst


Forex brokers need to be associated with a large financial institution such as a bank in order to provide the funds necessary for margin trading. In the United States a broker should be registered as a Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as protection against fraud and abusive trade practices.

Before trading Forex you need to set up an account with a Forex broker. You may feel overwhelmed by the number of forex brokers who offer their services online. Deciding on a broker requires lots of research on your part. There are several areas to examine before you sign on the dotted line with any broker. Here are some things that you need to look for in making your choice:

  1. Safety of Funds
    Is the broker regulated? Are client funds insured?
  2. Order execution
    How fast is the broker’s order execution?
    Will they place you on manual execution?
    Do they offer automatic execution?
    How much can you trade before having to request a quote?
    Do they offset all clients orders?
    Do they trade against their clients?
  3. Spread
    Is it fixed or variable?
    How tight is the spread?
    Is it larger for mini accounts?
  4. Slippage
    How much slippage can be expected in normal and fast moving market conditions?
  5. Margin requirements
    What are the margin requirements and how are they calculated? Does the margin change with currency traded? Is it the same for mini accounts and standard accounts?
  6. Forex Trading Platform
    Is it reliable during fast moving markets and news announcements?
    How many different currency pairs can you trade?
    Do they offer an Application Programming Interface (API) for automated systems trading?
    What other features does it offer? (One click trading from the chart, trailing stops, mobile trading etc.)
  7. Account Size
    What is the minimum account balance?
    Can you trade mini accounts?
    Do you earn interest on the unused equity in your account?
    Can you adjust the standard lot size traded?

By Tyler Ziggler

I'm here to give you the top forex trader advice that I use everyday when I do my trades. These are tips to help the trader become better and more efficient at making trades.

When should I trade?

You should trade during peak hours. This is the time when most people trade, so there is the highest volume. I know when it comes to business, people usually suggest to not follow the crowd, but I'll explain in this case. There is such a high volume of trades, the currencies really do follow market forces or "the invisible hand". During the lower volume times (off peak hours) big banks and firms with a lot of money can make trades that affect the direction of the market. The last thing you want to do is trade at this time because they can make a currency go up or down, which is very unstable for you.

I don't seem to be making much on my profitable trades, and I seem to lose more when I make bad trades. Why?

Well, skill could very well be the problem. Assuming you're a good trader, than you probably have poor margins to make profits. Basically your broker needs to be paid for trades, and they take a cut, which is the difference between bid and ask prices. As you know, the broker is going to get paid no matter what, so your losses are often worse and your profits are often small. All you need to do is make larger trades that are for more money. This reduces the percentage taken by the broker and you should notice that your profits will be more and losses should be less(as a percentage).

What do I do when I make a bad trade?

Just cut your losses. This is probably one of the most simple rules you could take in, but most people have a hard time with it. Just sell it and move on.

This is my top forex trader advice and I hope this makes you into a great trader.

I'm currently giving a 7 day free forex training course. Newbies and experienced are all welcome. If you're interested in participating, check out the Casual Forex Trader.

Author: Forex Training
Once you become somewhat familiar with how the forex market works, and you understand to a point what is involved in trading on the Foreign Exchange Market, you would want to start to gauge market trends in order to profit from your business ventures on the open market.

The name of the game is statistics, and the first rule is that you must be aware there is no such thing as a sure thing on the forex market. While you can never be 100% sure at any given time of the next move that will be made on the market as a whole, being able to read statistics and interpret them will place you ahead of the pack in regards to "guessing" what will happen next.

Forex trading is a lot like gambling. If you can keep track of the cards that have already been played, you are more informed, statistically, regarding what is likely to be dealt next, meaning you can place a bet with greater insight than someone who has no clue what has already been played. With the forex market, if you have information as to what has already occurred over the past few days, months, or even years, you are again placed in a better position to more logically conclude what will happen next. You simply learn the pattern and follow it to the end, reaping the financial rewards.

Charts And Chartists

Wait, did you think you were going to have to research and map out the market's past all by yourself? Of course not! There are people who get paid to do that sort of work. They monitor the market hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly so that they can provide big-time traders with the same knowledge mentioned before. The more a trading company knows about the market, the more money they can make.

The best part of this is that you have access to the same information as these VIP clients. Chartists, who are essentially market analysts that publish their findings in easy to read charts, produce what is referred to as a candlestick charts. These charts are basically a combination of a line graph and a bar graph that show the trend of various stocks, indexes, or other interests over a specified period of time. Therefore, you can easily determine if the currency is on an uptrend or if it is taking a downturn, when the last major change occurred, and how long it is predicted that the currency pair will continue on the current path.

If your broker does not supply you with these charts, then you should easily be able to draw them yourself with the modern day charting software or trading platform that you get from your broker. These software platforms can draw most charts for you by entering a couple of parameters and viewing the result.

It is recommended however that you learn at least the basics of charting and statistics before you start trading live.

Forex broker dealers can be found online or offline. The sole forex broker dealers that can be found in your area are banks and big corporations offering foreign investment. A majority of the smaller dealers and brokers will not be offering foreign investments, as they don't have the best links to do such. Usually Forex broker investors can be more conveniently found online than offline.

Forex trading brokers will be concerned in informing you on everything needed so that you can make your investment as well as what to expect in the future and where the best investment deals can be located. Before investing in foreign exchange trading, you need to find out about and study the firm where you will be intending to operate with a forex broker.

You need to have awareness that some companies, those who are categorized as Forex brokers, can possibly involve you in a scam. Don't be worried, because this could also be true with brokers involved in trading stocks, and in other local investments too, but you need to have an awareness of it.

Forex brokers dealing in fraud can try to do everything in their power to convince you into making bad decisions rapidly and to building your investments without allowing you sufficient time to discover where your money will be going or what the possible rates of investment are. Dealers who will take their time to discuss what is happening, and how the business will proceed and how it will be implemented are more often sincere forex broker dealers with whom you might want to ponder transacting business with.

A foreign exchange broker is an individual who serves as your principal connection in the organization or agency; he is the one with whom your investment will be coursed through. Majority of stock businesses are really channeled through a company or a broker so the exchange can proceed smoothly. Similar stock trading systems practiced in your nation will hold true to the system of foreign exchange trading, but the forex broker dealer will engage the business on a global nature.

The global system will include the name Forex, which is an acronym for foreign exchange and trade. The exchange of foreign currency and stocks on a global basis will provide you with a lot of investment channel alternatives as well as the different methods of investment which you can use to establish and maintain your personal wealth.

You must change your mental attitude first from a normal person to that of a speculator. Almost all traders I have met, except a few successful ones who really made millions and billions trading in the market, simply waste all their time trying to learn the easiest part in perfection, like about how to read data and charts, and trying to perfect entry and exit skills, etc. Trading is a mind game and without having a right frame of mind, it is a losing game even before it starts. Training a trader's mind is the first step for any successful trader but almost all new traders neglect that part and that explains why more than 95% of traders are a failure in the long run.

Acquiring the knowledge of the market is not difficult for anyone with average intelligence after a few years of hard study in the market. But it is neither the level of intelligence nor the knowledge that decides the outcome of the market operations of a trader. It is the decision making process that is so hard for most traders to overcome and that is the main reason for a success or a failure for all the traders. Some find it easy to make decisions and stick to it and most find it so hard to make decisions and stick to it. Unfortunately, any decision making process in trading is a pain-taking process and humans tend to avoid pains and go for pleasures even if for temporary ones. Assuming one has acquired enough market knowledge and acquired one's proven trading system (this is the second most important element of success in trading, in fact. An edge in any system is based on the quality of info one has, charts being only an info of secondary quality not the best one)

Through studies and research, a trader faces the task of making decisions to put this knowledge and system into practice. Then, how many traders can honestly say they can commit their ranch when the trade is suggested by their own system (given that trading is just a chance game) and let the profit run for weeks and months when their system tells them, and how many can manage to cut the loss as a routine process when the situation arise. It all sounds so easy when saying it but so difficult when doing it affecting real money in the market. I still do not sleep well when I am running position because even if the profits are running into a few hundred dollars and the system is telling you to carry on, there is no guarantee that the profit will turn into a yard or two in a month time, and it may even turn into a loss in a day or two when something unexpected happens. A painstaking process in real sense. The pain is not knowing what will happen in the future and in fear of losing. So at the end of the day, assuming one has decent trading system and market knowledge and decent info, it is ultimately how disciplined and how well that trader can take the pain of making right decisions at the right time that decides the outcome of the trades. Hence I call trading a mind game. When I interview prospective young traders, I always look for disciplined and strong-willed person as my first priority as long as one has decent education, but strangely in many cases, it is some kind of genius or half-genius with lots of brains with no disciplines who turn up for an interview thinking only bright people can make good traders.

In fact, I always try to pyramid while position trading medium-term once I am convinced of a new medium-term trend emerging. Like in USD/JPY position trading 135-132 as an initial position, adding in 132 and 129 areas. Same for AUD/USD and EUR/USD with similar strategies. But sitting on positions and watching the counter-rallies costing truck load of money is not easy job to do and causes lots of pain all the time. Most traders even among experienced ones cannot bear that pain and give up too early. But there is no other way to make a big money and we have to bite the bullet and "sit and accumulate" as long as the medium-term trend is intact. That is why I always believe psychological aspects of trading is far more important than anything else in successful trading. A mind game like those bluffing game of poker.

Entries and exits can never be "irrelevant" for any trader for any purpose. It is just that psychological aspects of trading are much more important than entries and exits, and decisive for the success or failure of a trader in the long run. Perhaps exits are more important than entries because any perfect or near-perfect entries are possible only in hindsight.

by Alexander Brin -

It should be noted that millionaire traders, Elder, Williams and some others are in fact professional psychiatrists. And it is not accidental that not the economists are the leaders and most successful traders, but professional psychiatrists and psychotherapists. Think about it. You will become a successful trader when you understand why it happens with Forex. You will understand what your Forex mistakes are, and why you are making them. And when you correct these mistakes you will become a trader who has no psychological barriers and obstacles on his way to better earnings in the Forex market.

So, why do the psychiatrists make better traders than economists who, as one would think, have the Forex market at their finger tips?

The economists are confused by:

— the fact that exchange rates are not always related directly to the economic circumstances in the countries. Well, do you know any economist who would be bidding for low fx rates when the economic situation is getting better and better? Or the one who admits that technical analysis of currency pairs is more important for Forex trading than the fundamental one? Any economist is confident that this can never happen because he knows all the economic dogmas. But it happens in the Forex. After all, how can a trader lose with the currencies moving up and down by the economic rules? The currency will surely react to the economic changes in the country, but who knows when and how? Here is a tip: there is the Elliott fifth way to teach a lesson to the ones who believe that fundamental knowledge is enough (before the trend turns, the currency spurts absurdly by the old trend), to confuse and draw the newbies into the game, while the experts wait for the trend to turn back.

— the lack of psychological knowledge that helps to understand the behavior of the crowd. And that is self-evident.

Are there any methods to overcome this fear?

It seems that every Forex book, every article offers efficient solutions for psychological difficulties experienced by the traders.


But what do these books offer instead?

Almost every book of this kind consists of two unequal parts:

— the bigger part of the book narrates about traders' problem that interfere with their Forex work and make it unsuccessful (nervousness, doubts, worries, fear, sleep deprivation, etc.). As if the traders do not know their own problems.

— the considerably lesser part contains conclusions and recommendations to the traders who are to solve their problems and overcome their fears to become successful.

The conclusions are disappointing:

Many psychiatrists realize that the new field opens before their eyes — now they may treat traders whose number amounts to millions all over the world and is growing with every day. And since most traders have a dream to become as successful as George Soros and other famous traders, this new field promises to be rather lucrative.

One thing is bad though: the overwhelming majority of these new-sprung trader brain specialists do not even know what the Forex is all about.

by Bob Hett

Do you know what Forex trading is? Some people have heard of this type of trading, others have not. If you haven't, it might be something you are interested in trying. Forex trading stands for foreign exchange trading. What it consists of is the buying and selling of different currencies. This is done simultaneously, and there are people who make a lot of money with this kind of trading. This is apparent by the 1.9 million dollar turnover in this market that happens every day. Also a lot of it is done online. Online Forex trading is very popular.

The most common currencies to trade are the Euro and the U.S. dollar, and the U.S. dollar and the Japanese Yen. However, nearly all of the Forex trading done involves the major currencies of the world. These include the Euro, Japanese Yen, U.S. dollar, Canadian dollar, British Pound, Australian dollar, and the Swiss franc. The Forex exchange is different from other exchanges, such as the New York Stock Exchange, in that it does not have a physical location or central exchange. The exchange day begins in Sydney, then moves to Tokyo, on to London, and finally ends in New York. Each country takes the responsibility of regulating the Forex exchange activities in their own country. So there is no overall regulatory agency. However, this does not seem to be a problem and most countries do very well at overseeing Forex exchange activities.

There are a lot of things that influence the Forex rate. For instance, economic things, like interest rates and inflation, and also political things, such as political unrest in other countries and major changes in government cause up and down changes in the Forex rate. However, these things tend to be short-term, and don't affect it for long.

Online Forex trading sites are easy to find by surfing the Internet. Most of them provide a wealth of information for the first time trader. You can find out about the history of Forex trading, how to co it, tips on being successful, etc. You can also start trading with as little as $250 in your account on some sites. For anyone who is interested in currency or trading, it is something you should check out.

As with any type of trading, there are no guarantees that you will make money or that you won't make money. It is a smart choice to learn as much as you can about online Forex trading before investing any money and doing any trading. It is a fact that informed investors do better than those who don't know much about what they are trading. So get the fact before you dive in. You might just make a little money in a very interesting currency exchange.

Originally posted at

If you are going to become a better trader you will need to use a system to trade with. You will need to follow a solid set of rules that work and you have back tested. How do you back test? Just by doing the simulated trading you are back testing the trading system.

If you are able to make the same good trades time after time then you have a chance of becoming a good trader and the system you are using is a good one. You need to know why you are making good or bad trades. Your trading system should help you figure this out like the trade tracker. If you do not have a trading system you will have a problem determining why you are losing and your trades are being made off the cuff.

Even if you are trading with a good system you will need to use some judgment and get out of a trade if it doesn’t feel right. If you do not cut your winners short on a consistent basis then losing once in a while is ok. If your system is working for you then you should try and take all you see because you never know which signal will be one of the big winners.

A system is not just getting in the market; it should give you signals to get out and use stop losses as well. What is good about knowing how and when to exit is you do not have to worry about getting out too soon or too late: you let the system tell you what to do.

To back test your trading system you just need to practice simulated trading. This will tell you if you can read signals and make good calls when trading. Successful traders who put the work into doing what it takes to learn to trade, will come out ahead. Trading plans, trade journals and simulated trading are all keys to becoming a winning trader.

>> More Helpfull articles at

By Greg F. Morris

If you are planning to purchase a Forex robot software or a Forex prediction software, then you will need to pay attention to what I'm telling you now. Many people tend to listen to rumors on which software is good, which software is bad, however, most importantly, it depends on whether the software can help you. Here, I will tell you 3 important criterias when you are looking at the Forex software review.

Firstly, you should see whether the software is up to date. This can be done by looking at the date of the Forex software review. It is paramount that the Forex prediction software is up to date so that it can provide result that is pertinent to current market trend. There are many old softwares that are using old market data and algorithm, you should avoid these softwares because they often provide wrong prediction and analysis.

Secondly, you should check whether the software has all the necessary Forex charting functions such as Fibonacci levels, RSI, MACD et cetera. Softwares that fail to provide such functions mean they do not include all these indicators in their calculation or prediction. These softwares often do not provide very good result. Of course, this does not apply to some softwares that choose to provide a very user friendly environment. These softwares help you to predict everything without troubling with all the analysis.

Thirdly and the most importantly, you should find a software has a lot of testimonials. Some Forex software reviews are biased because they are written by a person, so you should look at a broader range. This will allow you to understand the effectiveness of the software more.

In conclusion, there are still many things that you should take aware of when you are reading the Forex software review. Some other important things to take note are - who are the developer, do they provide money back guarantee et cetera. Choosing the right Forex forecast software is very important so that you can reduce your risk in Forex trading.

Greg F. Morris, is an experienced Forex trader and has a personal Forex Mentor website. Currently he is providing a free 7 days online Forex course for both experienced and new Forex trader. You can attend the free course through his Forex Mentor website.

by Korman Tam
The greenback kicked off the holiday-shortened week higher against the majors, edging up to 104.32 versus the yen and 1.5703 against the euro on the heels of mixed US economic reports earlier in the session. New home sales in April reversed an 8.5% decline in March, improving by 3.3% to 526k units. However, the Case Shiller home price index in March posted its steepest decline on record, down by 14.4% versus a 12.7% drop in February. Meanwhile, in another sign of the struggling US economy ¨C the Conference Board¡¯s May Consumer Confidence survey dropped to a two-year low and worst than expectations to 57.2 versus April at 62.3.

Economic reports slated for release on Wednesday will see April durable goods orders. Also due out this week will be Q1 core PCE, GDP, weekly jobless claims, April personal income, consumption and the May University of Michigan sentiment survey.

The international currency market Forex is a special kind of the world financial market. Trader’s purpose on the Forex to get profit as the result of foreign currencies purchase and sale. The exchange rates of all currencies being in the market turnover are permanently changing under the action of the demand and supply alteration. The latter is a strong subject to the influence of any important for the human society event in the sphere of economy, politics and nature. Consequently current prices of foreign currencies evaluated for instance in the US dollars fluctuate towards its higher and lower meanings. Using these fluctuations in accordance with a known principle “buy cheaper – sell higher” traders obtain gains. Forex is different in compare to all other sectors of the world financial system thanks to his heightened sensibility to a large and continuously changing number of factors, accessibility to all individual and corporative traders, exclusively high trade turnover which creates an ensured liquidity of traded currencies and the round - the clock business hours which enable traders to deal after normal hours or during national holidays in their country finding markets abroad open.

Just as on any other market the trading on Forex, along with an exclusively high potential profitability, is essentially risk - bearing one. It is possible to gain a success on it only after a certain training including a familiarization with the structure and kinds of Forex, the principles of currencies price formation, the factors affecting prices alterations and trading risks levels, sources of the information necessary to account all those factors, techniques of the analysis and prediction of the market movements as well as with the trading tools and rules. An important role in the process of the preparation for the trading on Forex belongs to the demotrading (that is to trade using a demo-account with some virtual money), which allows to testify all the theoretical knowledge and to obtain a required minimum of the trade experience not being subjected to a material damage.

By John Schadler

Is it really easy to make money on the foreign exchange like the Forex Assassin author claims? If you do not know yet, 95% of traders lose money in the currency markets, and that information means that it is harder to earn money from forex than it is to produce a trading system like the Forex Assassin. So what are the right things that 5% successful traders do, and does the FX Assassin help you become one of them?

1. How Does A Successful Trader Trade The Forex Market?

The number one critical factor is to have a proven and profitable system, along with the right discipline to follow it. Many people simply start playing in the currency market without having a clear plan of what they want to do for every situation they encounter. They simply start trading right away, looking to buy low and sell higher to gain pips. This is a sure way to lose money in the long run as the trader has no set profit goals and stop loss amounts, and his/her actions will certainly be overcome by greed eventually.

2. Always Have a System Before You Enter a Trade, and Never Change It Until You Get Out

Before establishing a system, ensure that you will have the discipline to follow it until you exit the trade. Once you have that, take time to understand the logic and reason why your forex trading system should work. This gives you enough confidence to use it well when you are trading.

3. What Exactly Does The Forex Assassin Help You Do?

This system has helped me take out a lot of stress for my trades, because it does not need me to monitor charts all day long, and I do not need to spend time in front of the computer all the time.

It contains a completely mechanical formula that requires me to input price data into it every weekend, and then it produces profit and stop loss amounts that are calculated with the formula in the Forex Assassin. In my period of testing this formula, it has given me good returns and I have continued to use it until today.

Is The Forex Assassin another useless piece of Forex trading software? Visit to see results of this trading software, and Click Here to Download The Forex Assassin!