By John Schadler

Is it really easy to make money on the foreign exchange like the Forex Assassin author claims? If you do not know yet, 95% of traders lose money in the currency markets, and that information means that it is harder to earn money from forex than it is to produce a trading system like the Forex Assassin. So what are the right things that 5% successful traders do, and does the FX Assassin help you become one of them?

1. How Does A Successful Trader Trade The Forex Market?

The number one critical factor is to have a proven and profitable system, along with the right discipline to follow it. Many people simply start playing in the currency market without having a clear plan of what they want to do for every situation they encounter. They simply start trading right away, looking to buy low and sell higher to gain pips. This is a sure way to lose money in the long run as the trader has no set profit goals and stop loss amounts, and his/her actions will certainly be overcome by greed eventually.

2. Always Have a System Before You Enter a Trade, and Never Change It Until You Get Out

Before establishing a system, ensure that you will have the discipline to follow it until you exit the trade. Once you have that, take time to understand the logic and reason why your forex trading system should work. This gives you enough confidence to use it well when you are trading.

3. What Exactly Does The Forex Assassin Help You Do?

This system has helped me take out a lot of stress for my trades, because it does not need me to monitor charts all day long, and I do not need to spend time in front of the computer all the time.

It contains a completely mechanical formula that requires me to input price data into it every weekend, and then it produces profit and stop loss amounts that are calculated with the formula in the Forex Assassin. In my period of testing this formula, it has given me good returns and I have continued to use it until today.

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